Alexandria Station Improvements

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Project Description

The proposed improvements will remove the timber pedestrian grade crossing across Track 3 (closest to the station) and Track 2. This will be accomplished by adding elevators to both platforms and adjusting the platform elevations.

Today, passenger trains (VRE and AMTRAK) primarily use Tracks 3 and 2 requiring use of the tunnel or the timber pedestrian grade crossing. Removing the timber pedestrian grade crossing will:
Provide a safer passenger crossing of the tracks between the two platforms
Offer a second transfer mode (elevator) from the platform to the tunnel in addition to the stairs
Remove the requirement for AMTRAK personnel to escort those passengers using the center platform

Adjusting the center platform elevation, width and length will:

Allow passenger trains to stop at Track 1 (furthest track east of the station) offering more flexibility
Adjust the elevation along the platform to standard 8" above-top-of-rail (Tracks 1 and 2)
Remove the need for step-boxes to access all trains (VRE and AMTRAK)
Provide a longer center platform to accommodate trains

Adjusting the Station Platform elevation will:

Adjust the elevation along the platform to standard 8" above-top-of-rail
Improve the ramp in front of the station lobby entrance
Adjust columns without raising the platform roof

This project will take into consideration the design for VPRA's planned Alexandria Fourth Track Project. The new fourth track will not have platform access and will be built next to Track 1.

Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is three-fold. First and foremost is removing the at-grade pedestrian crossing. Second, improve the interface between the track and platform in order to eliminate step boxes. Third, improve boarding capabilities on Track 1.

Anticipated Project Schedule:

Phase Start Date Finish Date
Development 8/31/2016 8/1/2019
Property Acquisition 5/8/2019 5/9/2019
Final Design 8/4/2019 4/28/2024
Construction 5/1/2024 1/11/2026

Current Phase: Final Design

Phase Image Phase Image

Project Cost:


Project Documents

There are no documents for this project.

Latest Updates

  • Project Note 1:
    Stakeholder comments to the 90% Station Design were returned 2/22/24. VRE is working to resolve comments in coordination with Alexandria 4th Track and King and Commonwealth Bridge designs. ~JB 3/5/24

  • Project Note 2:
    Revised 90% Station Design reflecting the latest Alexandria 4th Track and King and Commonwealth Bridge designs have been distributed to stakeholders for review. ~JB 2/7/2024

  • Project Note 3:
    VRE is updating the platform design to reflect the latest track elevations from the Alexandria 4th Track project. The revised 90% design package is anticipated by the end of 2023. ~JB 12/13/2023

Contact Project Manager: [email protected]