114589f3-99a0-49ab-b73f-0e69d089f872System Plan 2050 (NEW!)

VRE has completed its update to our long-range plan, the System Plan 2050!

VRE's previous System Plan was updated in 2014.  The Washington, D.C. Region is very different today than it was in 2014.  Many new and challenging factors influence how we move around the region. Remote working, hybrid work schedules, evolving regional demographics, increase in housing costs, and changing development patterns all play a role. The Commonweath of Virginia has also made a historic commitment to improve rail service through the Transforming Rail in Virginia initiative, of which VRE is a direct funding partner and beneficiary.  

As travel needs change and rail evolves, we want VRE to continue to be a useful part of your daily life, with service that meets your needs through 2050, and beyond.


Visit the System Plan 2050 website!

We appreciate all the input from our riders, members of the public, elected officials, jurisdiction and partner agency stakeholders, and everyone else who provided valuable direction in the making of this plan.




Passenger Survey Results

Each year VRE conducts a Customer Opinion Survey to gauge customer satisfaction and to identify the perceived strengths and weaknesses of our service. The findings are used by our member jurisdictions, as well as, VRE contractors as a tool for planning and service upgrades.

To view the results from previous years click on the links provided below.

(NEW) 2024 Customer Opinion Survey Results


2023 2015 2009 2002
2022 2014 2008 2001
2019 2013 2006 2000
2018 2012 2005 1999
2017 2011 2004 1998
2016 2010 2003 1997




Transit Asset Management Plan

Asset management is an emerging practice by which agencies use data to make better business decisions. Asset management is an optimized approach to managing critical assets, throughout their lifecycle, to deliver an organization's strategic objectives.

Recent federal legislation established requirements for transit agencies to develop an asset management plan, track, and report on the condition of their assets. VRE's transit asset management program will not only meet Federal requirements, but will also allow VRE to improve operational efficiency, maintain assets in a State of Good Repair, and make data-driven decisions regarding improvements and capital expenditures.

TAM-01-01VRE's asset management program includes the following:

  • Inventory of VRE's assets
  • Guidelines and forms for asset management methodologies and procedures
  • Condition assessment of assets
  • Performance targets set annually
  • Strategies for meeting targets
  • Transit asset management and State of Good Repair Policy
  • Formal Transit Asset Management Plan that will be updated every four years
  • Prioritization process for State of Good Repair improvements
  • Identified prioritization of investments
  • Methods for tracking performance and progress



Transit Development Plan FY 2020-2025

VRE's Fiscal Year 2020 - 2025 Transit Development Plan (TDP) provides an overview of VRE's major projects and initiatives and outlines short-term priorities as well as constraints and aspirations for the longer term. Until June 2024, VRE was required to periodically update is TDP in accordance with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DPRT) Transit Development Plan Minimum Requirements, as a condition of receiving state funding through the MERIT (Making Efficient and Responsible Investments in Transit) program.

Beginning in July 2024, VRE's state operating funding allocation methodology changed to move the agency out of the MERIT program, making TDP updates optional for VRE. Please see VRE's System Plan 2050 page for more updated information on VRE's short- (2030) and long-range (2050) service goals.